Zulehner, Walter A simple homotopy method for determining all isolated solutions to polynomial systems. (English) Zbl 0637.65045 Math. Comput. 50, No. 181, 167-177 (1988). Author’s summary: A new homotopy method for solving systems of polynomial equations is presented. The homotopy equation is extremely simple: It is linear with respect to the homotopy parameter and only one auxiliary parameter is needed to regularize the problem. Within some limits, an arbitrary starting problem can be chosen, as long as its solution set is known. No restrictions on the polynomial systems are made. A few numerical tests are reported which show the influence of the auxiliary parameter, resp. the starting problem, upon the computational cost of the method. Reviewer: E.Allgower Cited in 13 Documents MSC: 65H10 Numerical computation of solutions to systems of equations Keywords:isolated solutions; homotopy method; systems of polynomial equations; numerical tests; computational cost × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] Eugene Allgower and Kurt Georg, Simplicial and continuation methods for approximating fixed points and solutions to systems of equations, SIAM Rev. 22 (1980), no. 1, 28 – 85. · Zbl 0432.65027 · doi:10.1137/1022003 [2] Pavol Brunovský and Pavol Meravý, Solving systems of polynomial equations by bounded and real homotopy, Numer. Math. 43 (1984), no. 3, 397 – 418. · Zbl 0543.65030 · doi:10.1007/BF01390182 [3] Shui Nee Chow, John Mallet-Paret, and James A. Yorke, A homotopy method for locating all zeros of a system of polynomials, Functional differential equations and approximation of fixed points (Proc. Summer School and Conf., Univ. 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