
A new mixed finite element for calculating viscoelastic flow. (English) Zbl 0637.76009

Summary: A new mixed finite element has allowed us to calculate flows of Maxwell-B fluids and Oldroyd-B fluids at very high values of the Deborah number, De. The element is divided into several bilinear sub-elements for the stresses, while streamline-upwinding is used for discretizing the constitutive equation. The method is applied to the stick-slip problem, the flow through a tapered contraction and the flow through four-to-one abrupt plane and circular contractions. Important corner vortices develop at high values of De in the circular contraction. We have not encountered upper limits for the Deborah number in our calculations with Oldroyd-B fluids.


76A10 Viscoelastic fluids
76M99 Basic methods in fluid mechanics
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