Hambleton, I.; Ranicki, A.; Taylor, L. Round L-theory. (English) Zbl 0638.18003 J. Pure Appl. Algebra 47, 131-154 (1987). Wall’s algebraic L-groups, given by quadratic forms, were expressed as algebraic cobordism groups of Poincaré chain complexes by A. Ranicki [Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., III. Ser. 40, 87-192 (1980; Zbl 0471.57010)]. In this article the round L-groups, defined by quadratic forms with even rank, are identified with algebraic cobordism classes of round Poincaré complexes, i.e. Poincaré chain complexes with vanishing Euler characteristic. Products \(L\quad *_ r(A)\otimes L\quad p_*(B)\to L\quad h_*(A\otimes B)\) are defined which induce Shaneson’s splitting. Morita equivalence and \(L_*(A\times B)=L\quad r_*(A)\oplus L\quad r_*(B)\) hold. In particular Wederburn’s theorem \({\mathbb{Q}}\pi =\prod \Pi_{m(j)}(D_ j)\) implies \(L\quad r_*({\mathbb{Q}}\pi)=\prod L\quad r_*(D_ j).\) Product formulas for surgery obstructions and Rothenberg sequences are established. They are used to compute \(L\) \(r_*({\mathbb{Z}})\). Reviewer: W.Lück Cited in 18 Documents MSC: 18F25 Algebraic \(K\)-theory and \(L\)-theory (category-theoretic aspects) Keywords:round surgery obstruction groups; round Poincaré chain complex Citations:Zbl 0471.57010 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] Asimov, D., Round handles and non-singular Morse-Smale flows, Ann. of Math., 102, 41-54 (1975) · Zbl 0316.57020 [2] Hahn, A., A Hermitian Morita theorem for algebras with anti-structure, J. Algebra, 93, 215-235 (1985) · Zbl 0564.18010 [3] Hambleton, I., Projective surgery obstructions on closed manifolds, (Proc. 1980 Oberwolfach Conf. on Algebraic \(K\)-theory. Proc. 1980 Oberwolfach Conf. on Algebraic \(K\)-theory, Lecture Notes in Math., 967 (1982), Springer: Springer Berlin), 101-131 · Zbl 0503.57018 [4] Hambleton, I.; Madsen, I., Actions of finite groups on \(R^{ n + k }\) fixing \(R^k\), Canad. J. 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