
On the decidability of some problems about rational subsets of free partially commutative monoids. (English) Zbl 0638.68084

Let \(I=A\cup B\) be a partially commutative alphabet such that two letters commute iff one of them belongs to A and the other one belongs to B. Let \(M=A^*\times B^*\) denote the free partially commutative monoid generated by I. We consider the following six problems for rational (given by regular expressions) subsets \(X,Y\) of \(M\): \[ (Q1): X\cap Y=\emptyset? \quad (Q2): X\subseteq Y? \quad (Q3): X=Y? \quad (Q4): X=M? \quad (Q5): M-X \text{ finite?} \quad (Q6): X\text{ is recognizable?} \] It is known [see J. Berstel, Transductions and context-free languages (1979; Zbl 0424.68049)] that all these problems are undecidable if Card\(A>1\) and Card\(B>1\), and they are decidable if Card\(A=\) Card\(B=1\) (Card\(U\) denotes the cardinality of U).
It was conjectured by C. Choffrut that these problems are decidable in the remaining cases, where Card\(A=1\) and Card\(B>1\). In this paper we show that if Card\(A=1\) and Card\(B>1\), then the problem (Q1) is decidable,and problems (Q2)-(Q6) are undecidable. Our paper is an application of results concerning reversal-bounded, nondeterministic, multicounter machines and nondeterministic, general sequential machines.


68Q45 Formal languages and automata
20M35 Semigroups in automata theory, linguistics, etc.
20M05 Free semigroups, generators and relations, word problems
03D05 Automata and formal grammars in connection with logical questions


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