Meyer, Paul-André Noncommutative stochastic calculus. (Calcul stochastique non commutatif.) (French) Zbl 0639.46056 Sémin. Bourbaki, 39ème année, Vol. 1986/87, Exp. No. 672, Astérisque 152/153, 55-66 (1987). The author makes an attempt to explain the basic concepts of noncommutative (quantum) probability theory. He considers examples of noncommutative stochastic processes following R. L. Hudson, K. R. Parthasarathy and H. Maassen.[For the entire collection see Zbl 0627.00006.] Reviewer: Sh. A. Ayupov (Tashkent) MSC: 46L51 Noncommutative measure and integration 46L53 Noncommutative probability and statistics 46L54 Free probability and free operator algebras 60H15 Stochastic partial differential equations (aspects of stochastic analysis) 60G99 Stochastic processes Keywords:stochastic differential equations; noncommutative quantum probability theory; noncommutative stochastic processes Citations:Zbl 0627.00006 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Numdam EuDML