
Horizontal lift of connections to a natural vector bundle. (English) Zbl 0646.53028

Differential geometry, Proc. 5th Int. Colloq., Santiago de Compostela/Spain 1984, Res. Notes Math. 131, 318-341 (1985).
[For the entire collection see Zbl 0637.00004.]
The author first studies the basic properties of lifts of vector fields from the base manifold to a vector bundle endowed with a linear connection. Having a vector bundle E associated to the rth order frame bundle F rM, a linear connection on E can be induced from a principal connection on F rM. The main result of the paper is that every principal connection on F rM determines a linear connection on TE\(\to E\) characterized by certain simple geometric conditions. Some geometric properties of the latter connection are also deduced.
Reviewer: I.Kolář


53C05 Connections (general theory)


Zbl 0637.00004