Gross, Benedict; Rosen, Michael Fourier series and the special values of \(L\)-functions. (English) Zbl 0649.12009 Adv. Math. 69, No. 1, 1-31 (1988). Let \(k\) be a global function field over a finite field, and let \(A\) be the ring of functions which are regular outside \(\infty\), where \(\infty\) is a place of \(k\). The \(L\)-series \(L(s,\chi)=\sum \chi (B)N(B^{-s})\) is extended over all non-trivial ideals \(B\) of \(A\) being prime to the conductor \(F\) of the idele class character \(\chi\). In former papers S. Galovich and M. Rosen [J. Number Theory 13, 363–375 (1981; Zbl 0473.12014)] and D. Hayes [Invent. Math. 65, 49–69 (1981; Zbl 0491.12014)] proved formulas for the values of \(L(1,\chi)\), \(\chi\neq 1\). In this paper all these formulas are reproved by applying Fourier analysis on the locally compact field \(k_{\infty}\). Also a functional equation for \(L(s,\chi)\) is obtained. Reviewer: Ekkehard Krätzel (Jena) Cited in 9 Documents MSC: 11R42 Zeta functions and \(L\)-functions of number fields 43A32 Other transforms and operators of Fourier type 11R58 Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields Keywords:Fourier series; global function field over a finite field; L-series; functional equation Citations:Zbl 0473.12014; Zbl 0491.12014 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] Bourbaki, N., Éléments de mathématique XXIX: Integration, Chap. 7 (1963), Hermann: Hermann Paris · Zbl 0156.03204 [2] Cartan, H.; Godement, R., Théorie de la dualité et analyse harmonique dans les groupes abelian localement compact, Ann. Sci. École Norm. Sup. Paris, 64, 3, 79-89 (1947) · Zbl 0033.18801 [3] Davenport, H., Multiplicative Number Theory, (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Vol. 74 (1980), Springer-Verlag: Springer-Verlag New York) · Zbl 0159.06303 [4] Deligne, P., Les constantes des équations fonctionelles des fonctions \(L\), (Modular Forms of 1 Variable II. Modular Forms of 1 Variable II, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 349 (1973), Springer-Verlag: Springer-Verlag Berlin/New York/Heidelberg), 501-599 · Zbl 0271.14011 [5] Drinfeld, V., Elliptic modules, Math. USSR Sb., 23, No. 4, 561-592 (1974) · Zbl 0321.14014 [6] Galovich, S.; Rosen, M., The class number of cyclotomic function fields, J. Number Theory, 13, No. 3, 363-375 (1981) · Zbl 0473.12014 [7] Hayes, D., Analytic class number formulas in function fields, Invent. Math., 65, 49-69 (1981) · Zbl 0491.12014 [8] Hayes, D., Stickelberger elements in function fields, Compositio Math., 55, 209-239 (1985) · Zbl 0569.12008 [9] Katznelson, Y., An Introduction to Harmonic Analysis (1976), Dover: Dover New York · Zbl 0169.17902 [10] Kubert, D.; Lang, S., Modular Units, (Grundleheren der Math. Wissenschaften, Vol. 244 (1981), Springer-Verlag: Springer-Verlag New York) · Zbl 0492.12002 [11] Stark, H., \(L\)-Functions at \(s = 1\), IV: First derivatives at \(s = 0\), Advances in Math., 35, No. 3, 197-235 (1980) · Zbl 0475.12018 [12] Tate, J., Les Conjectures de Stark sur les fonctions \(L\) d’Artin en \(s = 0 (1984)\), Birkhäuser-Verlag: Birkhäuser-Verlag Boston · Zbl 0545.12009 [13] Tate, J., Fourier analysis in number fields and Hecke’s zeta functions, (Cassels, J. W.S; Frohlich, A., Algebraic Number Theory (1967), Thompson: Thompson Washington, D.C) · Zbl 1492.11154 [14] Weil, A., Dirichlet Series and Automorphic Forms, (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 189 (1971), Springer-Verlag: Springer-Verlag New York) · Zbl 0218.10046 [15] Weil, A., Elliptic Functions according to Eisenstein and Kronecker, (Ergebnisse der Math., Vol. 88 (1976), Springer-Verlag: Springer-Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg/New York) · Zbl 0955.11001 This reference list is based on information provided by the publisher or from digital mathematics libraries. Its items are heuristically matched to zbMATH identifiers and may contain data conversion errors. In some cases that data have been complemented/enhanced by data from zbMATH Open. This attempts to reflect the references listed in the original paper as accurately as possible without claiming completeness or a perfect matching.