
A nonhyperbolic Cauchy problem for \(\square _ b\square _ c\) and its applications to elasticity theory. (English) Zbl 0649.35015

The author proves the uniqueness and stability of the ill-posed problems for a function u satisfying the differential equation \[ (\square_ b\square_ c+A_ 3)u=f\quad \quad on(-T,T)\times G,\quad G\subset R^ n, \] and the boundary condition \((\partial /\partial N)^ ju=g_ j\), \(j\leq 3\), on \((-T,T)\times \Gamma '\), where \(\Gamma '\) is a part of the boundary of G, N is a normal to it, \(A_ 3\) is a differential operator of the third order, \(\square_ b=b\frac{\partial^ 2}{\partial t^ 2}- \Delta\), \(b\neq c\). He proves Carleman-type estimates for \(\square_ b\square_ c\) and other inequalities for the Lamé equations of the classical elasticity theory.
Reviewer: S.M.Zverev


35G10 Initial value problems for linear higher-order PDEs
35R25 Ill-posed problems for PDEs
35L30 Initial value problems for higher-order hyperbolic equations
74G30 Uniqueness of solutions of equilibrium problems in solid mechanics
74H25 Uniqueness of solutions of dynamical problems in solid mechanics
35B35 Stability in context of PDEs
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