MorĂ©, Jorge J. Numerical solution of bound constrained problems. (English) Zbl 0655.65086 Computational techniques and applications, Proc. Int. Conf., CTAC-3, Sydney/Aust. 1987, 29-37 (1988). [For the entire collection see Zbl 0643.00022.] The author presents some applications of gradient projection techniques to numerical solution of bound constrained problems of the form (p) min\(\{\) f(x): \(x\in \Omega \}\), where f: \(R^ n\to R\) is a continuously differentiable mapping over a nonempty closed convex set \(\Omega \subseteq R^ n\). The paper presents a trust region method for problem (p) method which uses the gradient projection ideas. Reviewer: D.I.Duca MSC: 65K05 Numerical mathematical programming methods 90C30 Nonlinear programming Keywords:gradient projection techniques; bound constrained problems; trust region method Citations:Zbl 0643.00022 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF