Triggiani, R. Exact boundary controllability on \(L_ 2(\Omega)\times H^{-1}(\Omega)\) of the wave equation with Dirichlet boundary control acting on a portion of the boundary \(\partial \Omega\), and related problems. (English) Zbl 0656.93011 Appl. Math. Optimization 18, No. 3, 241-277 (1988). This paper presents improvements to results on the exact controllability problem for the wave equation obtained by I. Lasiecka and the author [J. Differ. Equations 66, 340-390 (1987; Zbl 0629.93047)] via uniform stabilization and by J.-L. Lions [Contrôlabilité exacte, perturbations et stabilisation des systèmes distributés. Tome l (1988; Zbl 0653.93002)] via the HUM method. The problem consists in finding a Dirichlet boundary condition control on a part \(\Gamma_ 1\) of the boundary belonging to \(L^ 2(]0,T[\times \Gamma_ 1)\) that steers an arbitrary initial condition in \(L^ 2(\Omega)\times H^{-1}(\Omega)\) to zero. The key technical issue is a lower bound on the \(L^ 2(\Gamma_ 1\times]0,T[)\) norm of the normal derivative of the solution to the corresponding homogeneous problem. This is done by the a priori estimate technique using a vector field which is more general than the radial vector field from an external point \(x_ 0\) which was utilized before. Conditions obtained on \(\Gamma_ 1\) are less restrictive and examples are given. The variable coefficient case is also studied. Reviewer: J.Henry Cited in 1 ReviewCited in 51 Documents MSC: 93B05 Controllability 35L05 Wave equation 93C20 Control/observation systems governed by partial differential equations 35B37 PDE in connection with control problems (MSC2000) 93B03 Attainable sets, reachability 93C05 Linear systems in control theory Keywords:exact controllability; wave equation; Dirichlet boundary condition control Citations:Zbl 0629.93047; Zbl 0653.93002 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] N. Dunford and J. 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