
Asymptotic behaviour of an elastic body with a surface having small stuck regions. (English) Zbl 0659.73006

The authors examine the title problem where “stuck region” refers to parts of the surface of an elastic body which are attached to a plane. If these stuck areas have diameter \(\epsilon\), then it is shown that a “critical distance” of separation between stuck areas is of the order \(\epsilon^ 2\). When stuck areas are separated by either significantly larger or smaller distances, the surface is analogous to a totally free or totally stuck surface.
The paper is carefully written in the notion of modern elasticity theory. It should be of greatest interest to theoreticians concerned with boundary value problems.
Reviewer: R.L.Huston


74B99 Elastic materials
74H99 Dynamical problems in solid mechanics
35B40 Asymptotic behavior of solutions to PDEs


Zbl 0615.73009


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