Street, Ross The algebra of oriented simplexes. (English) Zbl 0661.18005 J. Pure Appl. Algebra 49, 283-335 (1987). The well known notion of nerve of a category, the simplicial set whose \(p\)-simplexes are abutting \(p\)-tuples of morphisms, generalizes to \(n\)-categories where an element of dimension \(p\) is a \(p\)-simplex with an \(m\)-cell in each face of dimension \(m\). The obtained nerve of an \(n\)-category \(A\) is the basis for cohomology with coefficients in \(A\). This paper presents a \(p\)-category \(O_ p\) such that a \(p\)-functor \(O_ p\to A\) is precisely a \(p\)-simplex in the \(n\)-category \(A\). History and motivation begin this self-contained paper. In low dimensions the data which generate \(O_ p\) are visually given by many diagrams. Taking the notion of oriented simplexes one has \(O_ p\), called the \(p\)-th oriental, as a free \(p\)-category. The central idea is to describe the free \(\omega\)-category \(O_{\omega}\) (\(\omega\) being the first infinite ordinal) in which \(O_ p\) is a sub-\(p\)-category (a \(p\)-category being an \(\omega\)-category for which all elements are \(p\)-cells). The nerve functor from \(\omega\)-categories to simplicial sets is a right adjoint. Reviewer: Georges Hoff (Paris) Cited in 17 ReviewsCited in 119 Documents MSC: 18G30 Simplicial sets; simplicial objects in a category (MSC2010) 18A40 Adjoint functors (universal constructions, reflective subcategories, Kan extensions, etc.) 18D05 Double categories, \(2\)-categories, bicategories and generalizations (MSC2010) 55N99 Homology and cohomology theories in algebraic topology Keywords:nerve of a category; simplicial set; n-categories; cohomology; oriented simplexes; nerve functor PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{R. Street}, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 49, 283--335 (1987; Zbl 0661.18005) Full Text: DOI Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences: Irregular triangle of coefficients of a partition transform for direct Lagrange inversion of an o.g.f., complementary to A134685 for an e.g.f.; normalized by the factorials, these are signed, refined face polynomials of the associahedra. References: [1] Brown, R.; Higgins, P. J., The equivalence of crossed complexes and ∞-groupoids, Cahiers Topologie Ge´om. Diffe´rentielle, 22, 371-386 (1981) · Zbl 0487.55007 [2] Eckmann, B.; Hilton, P. J., Group-like structures in general categories, I. Multiplications and comultiplications, Math. Ann., 145, 227-255 (1962) · Zbl 0099.02101 [3] Eilenberg, S.; Kelly, G. M., Closed categories, (Proc. Conference on Categorical Algebra. Proc. Conference on Categorical Algebra, La Jolla (1966), Springer: Springer Berlin), 421-562 · Zbl 0192.10604 [4] Gabriel, P.; Ulmer, F., Lokal pra¨sentierbare Kategorien, (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 221 (1971), Springer: Springer Berlin) · Zbl 0225.18004 [5] Kan, D. M., Adjoint functors, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 87, 294-329 (1958) · Zbl 0090.38906 [6] Kelly, G. M.; Street, R., Review of the elements of 2-categories, (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 420 (1974), Springer: Springer Berlin), 75-103 · Zbl 0334.18016 [7] MacLane, S., Categories for the Working Mathematician, (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 5 (1971), Springer: Springer Berlin) · Zbl 0705.18001 [8] Roberts, J. E., Mathematical aspects of local cohomology, (Proc. Colloquium on Operator Algebras and their Application to Mathematical Physics. Proc. Colloquium on Operator Algebras and their Application to Mathematical Physics, Marseille (1977)) · Zbl 0455.55005 [9] Roberts, J. E., Complicial sets (1978), handwritten manuscript [10] Segal, G., Classifying spaces and spectral sequences, Inst. HautesE´tudes Sci. Publ. Math., 34, 105-112 (1968) · Zbl 0199.26404 [11] Serre, J.-P., Local Fields, (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 67 (1979), Springer: Springer Berlin) · Zbl 0423.12016 [12] Street, R., Limits indexed by category-valued 2-functors, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 8, 148-181 (1976) · Zbl 0335.18005 [13] Street, R., Characterization of bicategories of stacks, (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 962 (1982), Springer: Springer Berlin), 282-291 · Zbl 0495.18007 This reference list is based on information provided by the publisher or from digital mathematics libraries. Its items are heuristically matched to zbMATH identifiers and may contain data conversion errors. In some cases that data have been complemented/enhanced by data from zbMATH Open. This attempts to reflect the references listed in the original paper as accurately as possible without claiming completeness or a perfect matching.