Grines, Viacheslav Z.; Medvedev, Timur V.; Pochinka, Olga V. Dynamical systems on 2- and 3-manifolds. (English) Zbl 1417.37018 Developments in Mathematics 46. Cham: Springer (ISBN 978-3-319-44846-6/hbk; 978-3-319-44847-3/ebook). xxvi, 295 p. (2016). Publisher’s description: This book provides an introduction to the topological classification of smooth structurally stable diffeomorphisms on closed orientable 2- and 3-manifolds.The topological classification is one of the main problems of the theory of dynamical systems and the results presented in this book are mostly for dynamical systems satisfying Smale’s Axiom A. The main results on the topological classification of discrete dynamical systems are widely scattered among many papers and surveys. This book presents these results fluidly, systematically, and for the first time in one publication. Additionally, this book discusses the recent results on the topological classification of Axiom A diffeomorphisms focusing on the nontrivial effects of the dynamical systems on 2- and 3-manifolds. The classical methods and approaches which are considered to be promising for the further research are also discussed.The reader needs to be familiar with the basic concepts of the qualitative theory of dynamical systems which are presented in Part 1 for convenience. The book is accessible to ambitious undergraduates, graduates, and researchers in dynamical systems and low dimensional topology. This volume consists of 10 chapters; each chapter contains its own set of references and a section on further reading. Proofs are presented with the exact statements of the results. In Chapter 10 the authors briefly state the necessary definitions and results from algebra, geometry and topology. When stating ancillary results at the beginning of each part, the authors refer to other sources which are readily available. Cited in 87 Documents MSC: 37-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to dynamical systems and ergodic theory 37Cxx Smooth dynamical systems: general theory 37Bxx Topological dynamics 57Nxx Topological manifolds 37Exx Low-dimensional dynamical systems Keywords:Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms; topological dynamics; low-dimensional topology × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI