
A remark on cancellation in direct products of graphs. (English) Zbl 0663.05053

The direct product of two graphs G, G’ is the graph \(G\times G'\) whose vertex set is the Cartesian product of vertex sets of G and G’ and in which two vertices \((\nu_ 1,\nu '_ 1)\), \((\nu_ 2,\nu '_ 2)\) are adjacent if and only if \(\nu_ 1\), \(\nu_ 2\) are adjacent in G and \(\nu '_ 1\), \(\nu '_ 2\) are adjacent in G’. There exists a family \({\mathfrak F}\) of the power of continuum consisting of pairwise non-isomorphic locally connected non-bipartite graphs with the property that for every bipartite graph G and for any two graphs \(G_ 1\), \(G_ 2\) from \({\mathfrak F}\) the graphs \(G\times G_ 1\), \(G\times G_ 2\) are isomorphic. For every positive integer n there exists such a family of finite graphs which has the cardinality greater than n. This is a negative solution of a problem by V. Puš.


05C99 Graph theory
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