
On the chromatic number of the product of graphs. (English) Zbl 0664.05019

This paper concerns an intriguing conjecture involving vertex colorings of products of graphs. First we specify the product. Given (irreflexive, symmetric) graphs G and H, the product \(G\times H\) has vertex set V(G)\(\times V(H)\) and edges all pairs \(\{\) (g,h),(g’,h’)\(\}\) such that gg’ and hh’ are edges of G and H, respectively.
Given a coloring \(\phi\) of G, there is a natural induced coloring \(\phi\) ’ of \(G\times H\), namely \(\phi '(g,h)=\phi (g)\). Letting \(\chi\) denote the chromatic number, we see that \[ \chi (G\times H)\leq \min (\chi (G),\chi (H)). \] S. T. Hedetniemi [Homomorphisms of graphs and automata, Univ. of Mich. Techn. Rep. 03105-44-T (1966)] conjectured that equality holds for all graphs G and H. An equivalent formulation is Hedetniemi’s conjecture. For all positive n, for all G and H, \[ \chi (G)=\chi (H)=n\quad implies\quad \chi (G\times H)=n. \] We have not been able to settle this conjecture. However, we have verified it in some special cases, and have in the process come across several related questions which seem interesting. This paper presents what we know on this problem.
In section 3 we introduce two conjectures, both stronger than Hedetniemi’s, which have to do with unique colorability, and which we show to hold in certain special cases. In section 4 we outline two less successful approaches to Hedetniemi’s conjecture.
Very recently, M. El-Zahar and N. W. Sauer [Combinatorica 5, 121-126 (1985; Zbl 0575.05028)] have, with a most elegant and ingenious argument, proved Hedetniemi’s conjecture in the case \(n=4\).


05C15 Coloring of graphs and hypergraphs
05C99 Graph theory


Zbl 0575.05028
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