
The real K-ring of some CW-complexes of small dimension. (English) Zbl 0665.55001

In 1981, L. M. Woodward in Proc. R. Soc. Edinb., Sect. A 92, 175- 179 (1982; Zbl 0505.55017) classified the stable classes of orientable vector bundles over CW-complexes of small dimension. Using his results and some algebraic arguments, we describe the real K-ring of some CW- complexes of dimension \(\leq 7\) in terms of cohomology and characteristic classes. We also show that our description can be really used for explicit calculation of K-rings.


55N15 Topological \(K\)-theory
55R50 Stable classes of vector space bundles in algebraic topology and relations to \(K\)-theory


Zbl 0505.55017
Full Text: DOI EuDML


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