Pas, Johan Uniform \(p\)-adic cell decomposition and local zeta functions. (English) Zbl 0666.12014 J. Reine Angew. Math. 399, 137-172 (1989). We prove a cell decomposition theorem for \(p\)-adic fields, uniform in the prime \(p\), and give some applications of this theorem.A first implication is a uniform quantifier elimination for the fields of \(p\)-adic numbers. As a second application, we reprove results of Denef on the dependence on \(p\) of the Igusa local zeta function. In this context we also obtain new results on \(p\)-adic integrals over sets definable in a language with cross section. Reviewer: Johan Pas (Leuven) Cited in 8 ReviewsCited in 64 Documents MSC: 11S40 Zeta functions and \(L\)-functions 03C10 Quantifier elimination, model completeness, and related topics 03C60 Model-theoretic algebra 11U09 Model theory (number-theoretic aspects) Keywords:cell decomposition theorem for p-adic fields; uniform quantifier elimination; Igusa local zeta function × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI EuDML