Bhattacharya, Rabi N.; Majumdar, Mukul Controlled semi-Markov models - the discounted case. (English) Zbl 0673.93089 J. Stat. Plann. Inference 21, No. 3, 365-381 (1989). Summary: Let the state space S be a Borel subset of a complete separable metric space, the action space A compact metric. Existence of stationary optimal policies is proved for general semi-Markov models with possibly unbounded rewards. The corresponding dynamic programming equations are also derived. The paper presents a synthesis and extensions of earlier results. Cited in 16 Documents MSC: 93E20 Optimal stochastic control 49J55 Existence of optimal solutions to problems involving randomness 60K20 Applications of Markov renewal processes (reliability, queueing networks, etc.) Keywords:stationary optimal policies; semi-Markov models; dynamic programming equations × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] Bertsekas, D. P.; Shreve, S. E., Stochastic Optimal Control: The Discrete Time Case (1978), Academic Press: Academic Press New York · Zbl 0471.93002 [2] Bhattacharya, R. N.; Lee, O., Asymptotics of a class of Markov processes which are not in general irreducible, Ann. Probab., 16, 1333-1347 (1988) · Zbl 0652.60028 [3] Bhattacharya, R. N.; Majumdar, M., Stochastic models in mathematical economics: A review, (Proc. Golden Jubilee International Conference on Statistics: Applications and New Directions (1984), Indian Statistical Institute), 55-99 [4] Bhattacharya, R. N.; Majumdar, M., Controlled semi-Markov models under long-run average rewards, J. Statist. Plann. Inference (1989), to appear · Zbl 0683.49003 [5] Bhattacharya, R. N.; Waymire, E. C., Stochastic Processes with Applications (1989), Wiley: Wiley New York, to appear [6] Blackwell, David, Discounted dynamic programming, Ann. Math. Statist., 36, 226-235 (1965) · Zbl 0133.42805 [7] Denardo, E. V., Contraction mappings in the theory underlying dynamic programming, SIAM Rev., 9, 165-177 (1967) · Zbl 0154.45101 [8] Doob, J. L., Stochastic Processes (1953), Wiley: Wiley New York · Zbl 0053.26802 [9] Furukawa, N., Markovian decision processes with compact action spaces, Ann. Math. Statist., 43, 1612-1622 (1972) · Zbl 0277.90083 [10] Leland, H., Optimal growth in a stochastic environment, Rev. Econom. Stud., 41, 75-86 (1974) · Zbl 0281.90020 [11] Levhari, D.; Srinivasan, T., Optimal savings under uncertainty, Rev. Econom. Stud., 36, 153-163 (1969) [12] Lippman, S. A., On dynamic programming with unbounded rewards, Management Sci., 21, 1225-1233 (1975) · Zbl 0309.90017 [13] Maitra, A., Discounted dynamic programming on compact metric spaces, Sankhyā Ser. A., 30, 211-216 (1968) · Zbl 0187.17702 [14] Mirman, L. J., One sector economic growth and uncertainty: A survey, (Dempster, M. A.H., Stochastic Programming (1980), Academic Press: Academic Press New York) · Zbl 0212.51704 [15] Phelps, E., Accumulation of risky capital, Econometrica, 30, 729-743 (1962) · Zbl 0126.36402 [16] Pliska, S. R., Controlled jump processes, Stochastic Process. Appl., 3, 259-282 (1975) · Zbl 0313.60055 [17] Radner, R., Optimal growth in a linear logarithmic economy, Internat. Econom. Rev., 7, 1-35 (1966) · Zbl 0143.43104 [18] Ross, S. M., Average cost semi-Markov decision processes, J. Appl. Probab., 7, 656-659 (1970) · Zbl 0204.51704 [19] Rust, J., Optimal replacement of GMC bus engines: An empirical model of Harold Zurcher, Econometrica, 55, 999-1034 (1987) · Zbl 0624.90034 [20] Rust, J., Maximum likelihood estimation of discrete control processes, SIAM J. Control and Optimization, 26, 1006-1024 (1988) · Zbl 0671.93060 [21] Yushkevish, A., Controlled jump process, Soviet. Math. Dokl., 2, 351-355 (1975) This reference list is based on information provided by the publisher or from digital mathematics libraries. Its items are heuristically matched to zbMATH identifiers and may contain data conversion errors. In some cases that data have been complemented/enhanced by data from zbMATH Open. This attempts to reflect the references listed in the original paper as accurately as possible without claiming completeness or a perfect matching.