Wang, Xue-Fang; Deng, Zhenhua; Ma, Song; Du, Xian Event-triggered design for multi-agent optimal consensus of Euler-Lagrangian systems. (English) Zbl 1424.49028 Kybernetika 53, No. 1, 179-194 (2017). Summary: In this paper, a distributed optimal consensus problem is investigated to achieve the optimization of the sum of local cost function for a group of agents in the Euler-Lagrangian (EL) system form. We consider that the local cost function of each agent is only known by itself and cannot be shared with others, which brings challenges in this distributed optimization problem. A novel gradient-based distributed continuous-time algorithm with the parameters of EL system is proposed, which takes the distributed event-triggered control mechanism into account. A sufficient condition is given to show that the performance of the global convergence to the optimal point can be guaranteed under the proposed method. Moreover, the Zeno behavior of triggering time can be excluded. Finally, to show the effectiveness of the presented algorithm, an example is given along with simulation results. Cited in 7 Documents MSC: 49K35 Optimality conditions for minimax problems 65K10 Numerical optimization and variational techniques 90C25 Convex programming Keywords:optimal consensus; multi-agent system; Euler-Lagrangian system; event-triggered control × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI Link