
On collections of almost disjoint families. (English) Zbl 0675.03029

With suitable definition of \(b_{\kappa}(>\kappa)\) and of (\(\tau\),\(\mu\),\(\lambda)\)-nowhere distributivity (written (\(\tau\),\(\cdot,\lambda)\) when \(\mu\) is arbitrary), the authors prove: For every uncountable cardinal \(\kappa\), the quotient Boolean algebra \({\mathcal P}_{\kappa}(\kappa)={\mathcal P}(\kappa)/[\kappa]^{<\kappa}\) is nowhere distributive for (1) \((\omega,\cdot,b_{\kappa})\) when \(\kappa\) is regular (and then the forcing with \({\mathcal P}_{\kappa}(\kappa)\) collapses \(b_{\kappa}\) to \(\omega)\), (2) \((\omega,\cdot,\kappa^+)\) when \(\kappa\) is singular with uncountable cofinality, (3) \((\omega_ 1,\cdot,\kappa^{\omega})\) when \(\kappa\) is singular with countable cofinality. These results extend previous ones of the authors.
Reviewer: Mo Shaokui


03E05 Other combinatorial set theory
03E45 Inner models, including constructibility, ordinal definability, and core models
06E05 Structure theory of Boolean algebras