Pethö, Attila; Tichy, Robert F. On digit expansions with respect to linear recurrences. (English) Zbl 0676.10010 J. Number Theory 33, No. 2, 243-256 (1989). Let \(G=(G_k)\) be a linear recurring sequence \(G_{k+d}=a_1G_{k+d-1}+\cdots+a_dG_k\) with integral coefficients \(a_1\ge\cdots\ge a_{d-1}\ge a_d>0\) and integral initial values \(1=G_0,\ldots, G_{d-1}\) satisfying \(a_1>1\) (for \(d=1)\) and for \(d\ge 2\) \[ G_k\ge a_1G_{k-1}+\cdots+a_nG_0+1\quad\text{for } n=1,\ldots,d-1. \] Then every positive integer \(n\) can be represented in a unique way by \(\sum \varepsilon_jG_j\) where the \(G\)-ary digits \(\varepsilon_j=\varepsilon_j(n)\) are integers with \(0\le \varepsilon_j<a_1\) satisfying some additional conditions (Theorem 1). The main results are concerned with the sum-of-digit function \(s(n)=\sum \varepsilon_j(n)\) with respect to a given linear recurrence as above. The following asymptotic formula is proved: \[ (1/N)\sum_{n<N}s(n)=c \log N+F((\log N)/(\log \alpha))+O(\log N/N), \] where \(c>0\) is a constant, \(\alpha\) the dominating characteristic root of \(G\) and \(F\) is a bounded nowhere differentiable function. If the initial values are minimal \(F\) is periodic with period 1 and continuous. In the case of a second-order linear recurrence, \(F\) is periodic and continuous if and only if \(G_1=a_1+1\). For \(a_1=a_2=1\), this is a characterization of the Fibonacci numbers. This case was considered by J. Coquet and P. Van den Bosch [J. Number Theory 22, 139–146 (1986; Zbl 0578.10010)]. [Remark: Because of computational errors some results are stated somewhat different.] Reviewer: Robert F. Tichy (Graz) Cited in 1 ReviewCited in 23 Documents MSC: 11A63 Radix representation; digital problems 11B37 Recurrences 11B39 Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and polynomials and generalizations 11N37 Asymptotic results on arithmetic functions Keywords:digit expansions; linear recurring sequence; sum-of-digit function; asymptotic formula; second-order linear recurrence; Fibonacci numbers Citations:Zbl 0578.10010 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] Brauer, A., On algebraic equations with all but on root in the interior of the unit circle, Math. Nachr., 4, 250-257 (1951) · Zbl 0042.01501 [2] Coquet, J.; Van Den Bosch, P., A summation formula involving Fibonacci digits, J. Number Theory, 22, 139-146 (1986) · Zbl 0578.10010 [3] Delange, H., Sur la fonction sommatoire de la fonction “Somme des Chiffres,”, Enseign. Math., 21, 31-77 (1975) · Zbl 0306.10005 [4] Hua, L. K.; Wang, Y., (Applications of Number Theory to Numerical Analysis (1981), Springer-Verlag: Springer-Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg/New York) · Zbl 0465.10045 [5] P. Kirschenhofer, H. Prodinger, and R. Tichy, Über die Ziffernsumme natürlicher Zahlen und verwandte Probleme, in ”Lect. Notes in Math.,” Vol. 114 (Zahlentheoretische Analysis, E. Hlawka, Ed.), pp. 55–65. · Zbl 0558.10007 [6] Kirschenhofer, P.; Tichy, R., On the distribution of digits in Cantor representations of integers, J. Number Theory, 18, 121-134 (1984) · Zbl 0582.10038 [7] Parry, W., On the β-expansions of real numbers, Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar., 12, 401-416 (1961) · Zbl 0099.28103 This reference list is based on information provided by the publisher or from digital mathematics libraries. Its items are heuristically matched to zbMATH identifiers and may contain data conversion errors. In some cases that data have been complemented/enhanced by data from zbMATH Open. This attempts to reflect the references listed in the original paper as accurately as possible without claiming completeness or a perfect matching.