Bogolyubov, N. N. Statistical mechanics and the theory of dynamical systems. Dedicated to Academician N. N. Bogolyubov on his 80th birthday. Collection of papers. (English) Zbl 0925.00062 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics. 191. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS). x, 243 p. (1992). MSC: 00B15 58-06 82-06 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Bogolyubov, N. N. jun. Statistical mechanics and the theory of dynamical systems. On the occasion of the 80th birthday of N. N. Bogolyubov, a member of the Academy of Sciences. (Statisticheskaya mekhanika i teoriya dinamicheskikh sistem. K 80-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya akademika N. N. Bogolyubova.) (Russian) Zbl 0678.00023 Trudy Matematicheskogo Instituta Imeni V. A. Steklova, 191. Moskva: Nauka. 222 p. R. 4.10 (1989). MSC: 00Bxx 58-06 82-06 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF