
Generalizations of ancillarity, completeness and sufficiency in an inference function space. (English) Zbl 0684.62012

Summary: We introduce E-ancillarity and complete E-sufficiency, natural extensions of the definitions of ancillarity and complete sufficiency, to a space of estimating or inference functions. These are functions of both the data and the parameter. We begin either with a space of all such functions or with a subset defined to exploit special features of a model; for example, we allow restrictions to inference functions that are linear in the observations or linear in the parameter. Subsequently, a reduction analogous to complete sufficiency is carried out, and within the complete E-sufficient space of inference functions, one is chosen with properties that we deem desirable.


62A01 Foundations and philosophical topics in statistics
62B99 Sufficiency and information
62B05 Sufficient statistics and fields
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