
Secondary power operations and the Brown-Peterson spectrum at the prime \(2\). (English) Zbl 1431.55011

The Brown-Peterson Spectrum defines a cohomology theory which has the same strength as complex cobordism, but is much smaller and the characteristic features are more visible. \(E_\infty\)-structures have become increasingly useful, and it was natural to ask whether the Brown-Peterson spectrum enjoys this extra structure. In this paper, the author shows that localized at the prime 2 it does not. The prime 2 is the most difficult in these kinds of problems, so there is still hope that it might be better at larger primes.
The author has a lengthily and very clear introduction to these structures and the problems they entail, which I recommend.


55P43 Spectra with additional structure (\(E_\infty\), \(A_\infty\), ring spectra, etc.)


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