Trlifaj, J. Associative rings and the Whitehead property of modules. (English) Zbl 0697.16024 Commentat. Math. Univ. Carol. 31, No. 1, 194-195 (1990). Abstract of thesis. For a review of the author’s thesis cf. Zbl 0692.16017. Cited in 4 Documents MSC: 16D80 Other classes of modules and ideals in associative algebras 16D70 Structure and classification for modules, bimodules and ideals (except as in 16Gxx), direct sum decomposition and cancellation in associative algebras) 16Exx Homological methods in associative algebras Keywords:Whitehead problem; Whitehead property; orthogonal theories; bifunctors; Ext-rings Citations:Zbl 0692.16017 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: EuDML