Digiampietri, Luciano; Rêgo, Leandro; De Souza, Filipe Costa; Ospina, Raydonal; Mena-Chalco, Jesús Brazilian network of PhDs working with probability and statistics. (English) Zbl 1404.62147 Braz. J. Probab. Stat. 32, No. 4, 755-782 (2018). Summary: Statistical and probabilistic reasoning enlightens our judgments about uncertainty and the chance or beliefs on the occurrence of random events in everyday life. Therefore, there are scientists working with Probability and Statistics in various fields of knowledge, what favors the formation of scientific network collaborations of researchers with different backgrounds. Here, we propose to describe the Brazilian PhDs who work with probability and statistics. In particular, we analyze national and states collaboration networks of such researchers by calculating different metrics. We show that there is a greater concentration of nodes in and around the cites which host Probability and Statistics graduate programs. Moreover, the states that host P&S Doctoral programs are the most central. We also observe a disparity in the size of the states networks. The clustering coefficient of the national network suggests that this network and regional differences especially with respect to states from South-east and North is not cohesive and, probably, it is in a maturing stage. MSC: 62P25 Applications of statistics to social sciences 62H12 Estimation in multivariate analysis 91D30 Social networks; opinion dynamics Keywords:academic collaboration; CNPq’s productivity research fellows; probability and statistics; social network analysis Software:scriptLattes × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv Euclid References: [1] Abbasi, A., Altmann, J. and Hossain, L. (2011). Identifying the effecs of co-authorship networks on the performance of scholars: A correlation and regression analysis of performance mesuares and social network analysis mesuares. Journal of Informetrics5, 594–607. 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