
Asymptotic expansion of the hypoelliptic heat kernel outside of the cut-locus. (Développement asymptotique du noyau de la chaleur hypoelliptique hors du cut-locus.) (French) Zbl 0699.35047

One obtains an asymptotic expansion of the heat kernel associated with an hypoelliptic operator. This is done for points connected by a minimizing geodesic. In fact, an asymptotic expansion of the Fourier transform of the heat kernel multiplied by \(\exp(-F/t)\) is given. The treatment is very readable, with an extensive background. The result covers the known case of elliptic operators.
Reviewer: C. Marinov


58J37 Perturbations of PDEs on manifolds; asymptotics
58J35 Heat and other parabolic equation methods for PDEs on manifolds
60H99 Stochastic analysis
35H10 Hypoelliptic equations


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