
Biclique cryptanalysis on the full Crypton-256 and mCrypton-128. (English) Zbl 1406.94079

Summary: Biclique cryptanalysis is an attack which reduces the computational complexity by finding a biclique which is a kind of bipartite graph. We show a single-key full-round attack of the Crypton-256 and mCrypton-128 by using biclique cryptanalysis. In this paper, 4-round bicliques are constructed for Crypton-256 and mCrypton-128. And these bicliques are used to recover master key for the full rounds of Crypton-256 and mCrypton-128 with the computational complexities of \(2^{253.78}\) and \(2^{126.5}\), respectively. This is the first known single-key full-round attack on the Crypton-256. And our result on the mCrypton-128 has superiority over known result of biclique cryptanalysis on the mCrypton-128 which constructs 3-round bicliques in terms of computational time complexity.


94A60 Cryptography