
Nonlinear instability for a volume-filling chemotaxis model with logistic growth. (English) Zbl 1470.35361

Summary: This paper deals with a Neumann boundary value problem for a volume-filling chemotaxis model with logistic growth in a \(d\)-dimensional box \(\mathbb{T}^d = (0, \pi)^d (d = 1,2, 3)\). It is proved that given any general perturbation of magnitude \(\delta\), its nonlinear evolution is dominated by the corresponding linear dynamics along a finite number of fixed fastest growing modes, over a time period of the order \(\ln(1 / \delta)\). Each initial perturbation certainly can behave drastically different from another, which gives rise to the richness of patterns.


35Q92 PDEs in connection with biology, chemistry and other natural sciences
92C17 Cell movement (chemotaxis, etc.)
35K51 Initial-boundary value problems for second-order parabolic systems


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