Wang, Haiyang; Wu, Zhen Convertible bonds with higher loan rate: model, valuation, and optimal strategy. (English) Zbl 1406.91456 Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2014, Article ID 341519, 9 p. (2014). Summary: We study the pricing problem for convertible bonds via backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs). By virtue of reflected BSDEs and Malliavin derivatives, we establish the formulae for the fair price of convertible bonds and the hedging portfolio strategy explicitly. We also obtain the optimal conversion time when there is no dividends-paying for underlying common stocks. Furthermore, we consider the case that the loan rate is higher than riskless interest rate in a financial market, and conclude that it does not affect the price of convertible bonds actually. To illustrate our results, some numerical simulations are given and discussed at last. Cited in 1 Document MSC: 91G20 Derivative securities (option pricing, hedging, etc.) 91G10 Portfolio theory 60H10 Stochastic ordinary differential equations (aspects of stochastic analysis) 60H07 Stochastic calculus of variations and the Malliavin calculus Keywords:convertible bond pricing; backward stochastic differential equations; hedging portfolio strategy × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] Poensgen, O. H., The valuation of convertible bonds—part 1, Industrial Management Review, 7, 77-92 (1965) [2] Poensgen, O. H., The valuation of convertible bonds—part 2, Industrial Management Review, 7, 83-98 (1966) [3] Baumol, W. J.; Malkiel, B. G.; Quandt, R. E., The valuation of convertible securities, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 40, 48-59 (1966) [4] Weil, R.; Segall, J. E.; Green, D., Premiums on convertible bonds, Journal of Finance, 23, 445-463 (1968) [5] Black, F.; Scholes, M., The pricing of options and corporate liabilities, Journal of Political Economy, 81, 637-654 (1973) · Zbl 1092.91524 [6] Ingersoll, J. E., A contingent-claims valuation of convertible securities, Journal of Financial Economics, 4, 3, 289-321 (1977) [7] Brennan, M. J.; Schwartz, E. S., Convertible bonds: valuation and optimal strategies for call and conversion, Journal of Finance, 32, 1699-1715 (1977) [8] Brennan, M. J.; Schwartz, E. S., Analyzing convertible bonds, Journal of Financal and Quantitative Analysis, 15, 907-929 (1980) [9] McConnell, J. J.; Schwartz, E. S., LYON taming, Journal of Finance, 41, 561-576 (1986) [10] Ho, T. S. Y.; Pfeffer, D. M., Convertible bonds: model, value attribution, and analytics, Financial Analysts Journal, 52, 5, 35-44 (1996) [11] Tsiveriotis, K.; Fernandes, C., Valuing convertible bonds with credit risk, Journal of Fixed Income, 8, 95-102 (1998) [12] Pardoux, E.; Peng, S. G., Adapted solution of a backward stochastic differential equation, Systems and Control Letters, 14, 1, 55-61 (1990) · Zbl 0692.93064 · doi:10.1016/0167-6911(90)90082-6 [13] Duffie, D.; Epstein, L. G., Stochastic differential utility, Econometrica, 60, 2, 353-394 (1992) · Zbl 0763.90005 · doi:10.2307/2951600 [14] Peng, S. G., Probabilistic interpretation for systems of quasilinear parabolic partial differential equations, Stochastics and Stochastics Reports, 37, 1-2, 61-74 (1991) · Zbl 0739.60060 · doi:10.1080/17442509108833727 [15] El Karoui, N.; Peng, S.; Quenez, M. C., Backward stochastic differential equations in finance, Mathematical Finance, 7, 1, 1-71 (1997) · Zbl 0884.90035 · doi:10.1111/1467-9965.00022 [16] Bielecki, T. R.; Crépey, S.; Jeanblanc, M.; Rutkowski, M., Arbitrage pricing of defaultable game options with applications to convertible bonds, Quantitative Finance, 8, 8, 795-810 (2008) · Zbl 1154.91426 · doi:10.1080/14697680701401083 [17] El Karoui, N.; Kapoudjian, C.; Pardoux, E.; Peng, S.; Quenez, M. C., Reflected solutions of backward SDE’s, and related obstacle problems for PDE’s, The Annals of Probability, 25, 2, 702-737 (1997) · Zbl 0899.60047 · doi:10.1214/aop/1024404416 [18] Guo, X.; Wang, H. Y., Dividends sharing convertible bonds pricing and numerical evaluation, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013 (2013) · Zbl 1299.91141 · doi:10.1155/2013/932579 [19] Nualart, D., The Malliavin Calculus and Related Topics. The Malliavin Calculus and Related Topics, Probability and Its Applications, xii+266 (1995), New York, NY, USA: Springer, New York, NY, USA · Zbl 0837.60050 [20] El Karoui, N.; Pardoux, E.; Quenez, M. C., Reflected backward SDEs and American options, Numerical Methods in Finance, 13, 215-231 (1997), Cambridge, Mass, USA: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Mass, USA · Zbl 0898.90033 This reference list is based on information provided by the publisher or from digital mathematics libraries. Its items are heuristically matched to zbMATH identifiers and may contain data conversion errors. In some cases that data have been complemented/enhanced by data from zbMATH Open. This attempts to reflect the references listed in the original paper as accurately as possible without claiming completeness or a perfect matching.