He, Fei Common fixed points for nonlinear quasi-contractions of Ćirić type. (English) Zbl 1469.54109 Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2014, Article ID 450792, 9 p. (2014). Summary: We establish common fixed points theorems for two self-mappings satisfying a nonlinear contractive condition of Ćirić type with a \(Q\)-function. Furthermore, using the scalarization method, we deduce some results of common fixed point in tvs-cone metric spaces with a \(c\)-distance. As application, we give a positive answer to the question of L. Ćirić et al. [Fixed Point Theory Appl. 2012, Paper No. 3, 9 p. (2012; Zbl 1282.54039)]. Our results extend and generalize many recent results. 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