
Existence and multiple positive solutions for boundary value problem of fractional differential equation with \(p\)-Laplacian operator. (English) Zbl 1474.34035

Summary: This paper investigates the existence, multiplicity, nonexistence, and uniqueness of positive solutions to a kind of two-point boundary value problem for nonlinear fractional differential equations with \(p\)-Laplacian operator. By using fixed point techniques combining with partially ordered structure of Banach space, we establish some criteria for existence and uniqueness of positive solution of fractional differential equations with \(p\)-Laplacian operator in terms of different value of parameter. In particular, the dependence of positive solution on the parameter was obtained. Finally, several illustrative examples are given to support the obtained new results. The study of illustrative examples shows that the obtained results are applicable.


34A08 Fractional ordinary differential equations
34B18 Positive solutions to nonlinear boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations


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