
Exact penalization and necessary optimality conditions for multiobjective optimization problems with equilibrium constraints. (English) Zbl 1474.90433

Summary: A calmness condition for a general multiobjective optimization problem with equilibrium constraints is proposed. Some exact penalization properties for two classes of multiobjective penalty problems are established and shown to be equivalent to the calmness condition. Subsequently, a Mordukhovich stationary necessary optimality condition based on the exact penalization results is obtained. Moreover, some applications to a multiobjective optimization problem with complementarity constraints and a multiobjective optimization problem with weak vector variational inequality constraints are given.


90C29 Multi-objective and goal programming
90C33 Complementarity and equilibrium problems and variational inequalities (finite dimensions) (aspects of mathematical programming)
90C46 Optimality conditions and duality in mathematical programming


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