Choi, Junesang; Agarwal, Praveen Certain integral transform and fractional integral formulas for the generalized Gauss hypergeometric functions. (English) Zbl 1474.33030 Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2014, Article ID 735946, 7 p. (2014). Summary: A remarkably large number of integral transforms and fractional integral formulas involving various special functions have been investigated by many authors. Very recently, Agarwal gave some integral transforms and fractional integral formulas involving the \(F_p^{(\alpha, \beta)}\)\((\cdot)\). In this sequel, using the same technique, we establish certain integral transforms and fractional integral formulas for the generalized Gauss hypergeometric functions \(F_p^{(\alpha, \beta, m)}\)\((\cdot)\). Some interesting special cases of our main results are also considered. 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