
Predictive function optimization control for a class of hydraulic servo vibration systems. (English) Zbl 1406.93227

Summary: This paper is concerned with the problem of predictive function control (PFC) for a class of hydraulic vibration servo control systems. Our aim is to design a new advanced control strategy such that the control system can track trajectory in a fast and accurate way. For this end, the mathematical model of the hydraulic vibration servo control system is firstly studied. By analyzing the nonlinear, time-varying, and model structure uncertainty features of the objects, the desired control strategy is presented based on PFC. Finally, the simulation results show that our proposed method is effective and can be used to improve the tracking speed, accuracy, and robustness.


93C95 Application models in control theory
93A30 Mathematical modelling of systems (MSC2010)
93B35 Sensitivity (robustness)
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