Zuo, Lixia; Liu, Maoxing Effect of awareness programs on the epidemic outbreaks with time delay. (English) Zbl 1406.92651 Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2014, Article ID 940841, 8 p. (2014). Summary: An epidemic model with time delay has been proposed and analyzed. In this model the effect of awareness programs driven by media on the prevalence of an infectious disease is studied. It is assumed that pathogens are transmitted via direct contact between the susceptible and the infective populations and further assumed that the growth rate of cumulative density of awareness programs increases at a rate proportional to the infective population. The model is analyzed by using stability theory of differential equations and numerical simulations. Both equilibria have been proved to be globally asymptotically stable. The results we obtained and numerical simulations suggest the increasing of the dissemination rate and implementation rate can reduce the proportion of the infective population. 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