House, Arthur S. The recognition of speech by machine - a bibliography. (English) Zbl 0703.68002 Boston, MA: Academic Press, Inc. VII, 498 p. $ 45.00 (1988). The volume provides a literature survey covering 30 years (1958-1987). Beside the usually cited books and articles that appeared in periodicals, conference proceedings, etc., this bibliography includes unpublished reports, academic theses and aperiodical laboratory or contract reports. It should be noted that the volume includes only papers relevant to automatic speech recognition (ASR). Accordingly, subjects like acoustic phonetics, speech perception, speech synthesis, speaker identification, are not dealt with on purpose. A significant merit of A. S. House’s bibliography is that it provides a very good subject index and a helpful author index. In conclusion, this bibliography is a valuable addition to the personal library and a must for institutional libraries, as long as ASR falls within their field of work. Reviewer: D.Kövari MSC: 68-00 General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) pertaining to computer science 68T10 Pattern recognition, speech recognition Keywords:speech recognition; automatic speech recognition × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF