Beros, Achilles; de la Higuera, Colin Teachers, learners, and oracles. (English) Zbl 1529.03226 Notre Dame J. Formal Logic 60, No. 1, 13-26 (2019). Summary: We exhibit a family of computably enumerable sets which can be learned within polynomial resource bounds given access only to a teacher but which requires exponential resources to be learned given access only to a membership oracle. In general, we compare the families that can be learned with and without teachers and oracles for four measures of efficient learning. MSC: 03D80 Applications of computability and recursion theory 68Q32 Computational learning theory 03D15 Complexity of computation (including implicit computational complexity) Keywords:learning theory; oracles; teachers; recursion theory × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv Euclid