
On \(m\)-convexity of set-valued functions. (English) Zbl 1468.26024

Let \(X\) and \(Y\) be real linear spaces, \(D\) a subset of \(X\) and \(m \in [0, 1]\). The set \(D\) is said to be \(m\)-convex if \(t x + m(1 - t)y \in D\), for all \(x, y \in X\) and each \(t \in [0,1]\). If \(D\) is \(m\)-convex, a nonempty-valued set-valued function \(F: D \rightrightarrows Y\) is called \(m\)-convex if \(t F(x) + m(1- t)F(y) \subseteq F(tx + m(1- t)y)\), for all \(x,y \in D\) and \(t \in [0,1]\). In this paper, some algebraic properties and several characterizations of this class of set-valued functions are given.


26E25 Set-valued functions
26A51 Convexity of real functions in one variable, generalizations
47H04 Set-valued operators
52A01 Axiomatic and generalized convexity
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