Yin, Hongwei; Xiao, Xiaoyong; Wen, Xiaoqing Turing patterns in a predator-prey system with self-diffusion. (English) Zbl 1420.92101 Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2013, Article ID 891738, 10 p. (2013). Summary: For a predator-prey system, cross-diffusion has been confirmed to emerge Turing patterns. However, in the real world, the tendency for prey and predators moving along the direction of lower density of their own species, called self-diffusion, should be considered. For this, we investigate Turing instability for a predator-prey system with nonlinear diffusion terms including the normal diffusion, cross-diffusion, and self-diffusion. A sufficient condition of Turing instability for this system is obtained by analyzing the linear stability of spatial homogeneous equilibrium state of this model. A series of numerical simulations reveal Turing parameter regions of the interaction of diffusion parameters. According to these regions, we further demonstrate dispersion relations and spatial patterns. Our results indicate that self-diffusion plays an important role in the spatial patterns. Cited in 6 Documents MSC: 92D25 Population dynamics (general) 35K57 Reaction-diffusion equations 92D40 Ecology 92C15 Developmental biology, pattern formation 35Q92 PDEs in connection with biology, chemistry and other natural sciences Keywords:predator-prey system; Turing patterns; self-diffusion × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] Volterra, V., Variazioni e fluttuazioni del numero d’individui in specie conviventi, Memorie Accademia dei Lincei, 2, 31-113 (1926) · JFM 52.0450.06 [2] Murray, J. D., Mathematical Biology: Spatial Models and Biomedical Applications (2003), New York, NY, USA: Springer, New York, NY, USA · Zbl 1006.92002 [3] McGehee, E. 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