Bahri, Mawardi; Ashino, Ryuichi A convolution theorem related to quaternion linear canonical transform. (English) Zbl 1474.44006 Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2019, Article ID 3749387, 9 p. (2019). Summary: We introduce the two-dimensional quaternion linear canonical transform (QLCT), which is a generalization of the classical linear canonical transform (LCT) in quaternion algebra setting. Based on the definition of quaternion convolution in the QLCT domain we derive the convolution theorem associated with the QLCT and obtain a few consequences. MSC: 44A15 Special integral transforms (Legendre, Hilbert, etc.) 30G35 Functions of hypercomplex variables and generalized variables 44A35 Convolution as an integral transform × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] Bahri, M.; Zulfajar; Ashino, R., Convolution and correlation theorem for linear canonical transform and properties, INFORMATION-An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 17, 6B, 2509-2521 (2014) · Zbl 1323.42009 [2] Healy, J. J.; Kutay, M. A.; Ozaktas, H. M.; Sheridon, J. J., Linear Canonical Transform: Theory and Application. Linear Canonical Transform: Theory and Application, Springer Series in Optical Sciences, 198 (2016) · Zbl 1337.78003 [3] Guanlai, X.; Xiaotong, W.; Xiaogang, Y., Uncertainty principles for the linear canonical transform of complex signal, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 58, 9, 4916-4918 (2010) · Zbl 1392.94231 [4] Urynbassarova, D.; Li, B. 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