Liu, Jing; Ye, Xinming; Zhou, Jiantao Test purpose oriented I/O conformance test selection with colored Petri nets. (English) Zbl 1442.68147 J. Appl. Math. 2014, Article ID 645235, 10 p. (2014). Summary: This paper proposes an input-output conformance (IOCO) test selection method directed by test purpose model specified with colored Petri nets (CPN). Based on conformance testing oriented CPN models for specifying software functional behaviors and specific test purposes, respectively, feasible test cases are generated, guided by the CPN based IOCO relation, using synchronized model simulation with the proof of the soundness of test generation and the coverage towards test purposes. This test selection method integrates the merits the IOCO testing theory and the CPN modeling synergistically and is applied as a novel and applicable test selection method for actual testing practice of large-scale software systems. As the synchronized model simulation with two CPN models is irrespective of their model scale, the effectiveness and practicability of our test selection method are enhanced with scalability. MSC: 68Q85 Models and methods for concurrent and distributed computing (process algebras, bisimulation, transition nets, etc.) 68Q60 Specification and verification (program logics, model checking, etc.) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] International Organization for Standardization, Information Technology—Open Systems Interconnection—Conformance Testing Methodology and Framework—Part 1: General Concepts (1994), Geneva, Switzerland: International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland [2] Hierons, R. M.; Bogdanov, K.; Bowen, J. P., Using formal specifications to support testing, ACM Computing Surveys, 41, 2, article 9 (2009) · doi:10.1145/1459352.1459354 [3] Dalal, S. R.; Jain, A.; Karunanithi, N.; Leaton, J. M.; Lott, C. M.; Patton, G. 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