Kopytov, V. M.; Dimitrov, Z. J. On directed groups. (English. Russian original) Zbl 0714.06007 Sib. Math. J. 30, No. 6, 895-902 (1989); translation from Sib. Mat. Zh. 30, No. 6(178), 78-86 (1989). A directed set (M;\(\leq)\) can be transformed into an algebra (M;\(\sigma\)) of signature \(\sigma =\{\vee,\wedge \}\) which contains all binary operations \(\vee\) and \(\wedge\) defined in the following way: if x,y\(\in M\), \(x\leq y\) we set \(x\vee y=y\) and \(x\wedge y=x\). If x and y are uncomparable, we choose (and fix) for \(x\vee y\) an upper bound of x and y. Dually for \(x\wedge y\). The operations can be defined as commutative ones. 1.2 Theorem. Let (M;\(\leq)\) be a directed set and (M;\(\sigma\)) an algebra of signature \(\sigma =\{\vee,\wedge \}\) which is constructed by means of \(\leq\) in the described way. Then there holds in (M;\(\sigma\)) H1) \(x\vee x=x\), \(x\wedge x=x\), H2) \(x\vee y=y\vee x\), \(x\wedge y=y\wedge x\), H3) \(x\vee (x\vee y)=x\vee y\), \(x\wedge (x\wedge y)=x\wedge y\), H4) \((x\vee y)\vee z=x\vee ((x\vee y)\vee z)\) and dually, H5) \(x\vee (x\wedge y)=x\) and dually. Conversely, if an order relation \(\leq\) is introduced in an algebra (M;\(\sigma\)) so that \(x\leq y\) iff \(x\vee y=y\) (or \(x\wedge y=x)\) then (M;\(\leq)\) is a directed set. If \((G;\cdot,e,^{-1})\) is a group and (G;\(\leq)\) a directed set, then \((G;\cdot,e,^{-1},\leq)\) is called a directed group if \(x\leq y\) implies zxt\(\leq zyt\) for arbitrary z,t\(\in G\). 2.2 Theorem. If \((G;\cdot,e,^{-1},\leq)\) is a directed group then there can be defined operations \(\vee\) and \(\wedge\) in G so that H1- H5 hold and moreover H6) \(zxt\vee z(x\vee y)t=z(x\vee y)t\) and dually, and H7) \((x\vee y)^{-1}=x^{-1}\vee y^{-1}\) and dually. Conversely, every algebra \((G;\cdot,e,^{-1},\vee,\wedge)\) so that \((G;\cdot,e,^{- 1})\) is a group which fulfils H1-H7, turns out to be a directed group if we put \(x\leq y\) iff \(x\vee y=y\). Other properties of directed groups are deduced which are near to the \(\ell\)-group properties. Reviewer: F.Šik Cited in 2 ReviewsCited in 3 Documents MSC: 06F15 Ordered groups 20F60 Ordered groups (group-theoretic aspects) Keywords:homogeneous directed group; d-group; d-homomorphism; l-group; directed set × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] L. Fuks, Partially Ordered Algebraic Systems [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow (1965). [2] A. I. Mal’tsev, Algebraic Systems [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow (1970). This reference list is based on information provided by the publisher or from digital mathematics libraries. Its items are heuristically matched to zbMATH identifiers and may contain data conversion errors. In some cases that data have been complemented/enhanced by data from zbMATH Open. This attempts to reflect the references listed in the original paper as accurately as possible without claiming completeness or a perfect matching.