
On optimal management of resources in distributed networks. (English) Zbl 0716.68039

The paper deals with the management of shared resources in the context of a network of processors. Examples are given concerning the mutual exclusion problem and the deadlock problem.
For the first problem four possible states of a process are introduced: request, refusal, acceptation and execution. Based on the transition matrix, the corresponding mean recurrence time for all the states are defined. Following, different optimality criteria are selected, e.g. the optimization of the number of “refusal” or the number of “acceptation“.
Regarding the deadlock problem, for each process are considered four possible states: active, idle, terminated and blocked. The analysis is conducted the same way as above. The fairness of the method is claimed.
Reviewer: D.Grigoras


68W15 Distributed algorithms
68M10 Network design and communication in computer systems
Full Text: DOI


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