Combes, J. M. (ed.); Grossmann, A. (ed.); Tchamitchian, Ph. (ed.) Wavelets. Time-frequency methods and phase space. Proceedings of the international conference, Marseille, France, December 14-18, 1987. (English) Zbl 0718.00009 Inverse Problems and Theoretical Imaging. Berlin etc.: Springer-Verlag. ix, 315 p. DM 148.00 (1989). Show indexed articles as search result. The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually under the abbreviation “Wavelets. Time-frequency methods and phase space, Proc. Int. Conf., Marseille/Fr. 1987 (1989)”.Indexed articles:Grossmann, A.; Kronland-Martinet, R.; Morlet, J., Reading and understanding continuous wavelet transforms, 2-20 [Zbl 0850.42006]Meyer, Y., Orthogonal wavelets, 21-37 [Zbl 0850.42008]Daubechies, I., Orthogonal bases of wavelets with finite support – connection with discrete filters, 38-66 [Zbl 0850.42013]Risset, J.-C., The computer, music, and sound models, 102-123 [Zbl 0850.68227]Larsonneur, J. L.; Morlet, J., Wavelets and seismic interpretation, 126-131 [Zbl 0850.42003]Tuteur, F. B., Wavelet transformations in signal detection, 132-138 [Zbl 0850.42004]Ginette, S.; Grossmann, A.; Tchamitchian, Ph., Use of wavelet transforms in the study of propagation of transient acoustic signals across a plane interface between two homogeneous media, 139-146 [Zbl 0850.76654]Sessarego, J. P.; Sageloli, J.; Flandrin, P.; Zakharia, M., Time-frequency analysis of signals related to scattering problems in acoustics. I: Wigner-Ville analysis of echoes scattered by a spherical shell, 147-153 [Zbl 0850.94019]Liénard, J. S.; d’Alessandro, C., Wavelets and granular analysis of speech, 158-163 [Zbl 0850.94020]Holschneider, M.; Kronland-Matinet, R.; Tchamitchian, Ph., A real-time algorithm for signal analysis with the help of the wavelet transform, 286-297 [Zbl 0850.94021]Dutilleux, P., An implementation of the “algorithme à trous” to compute the wavelet transform, 298-304 [Zbl 0850.94022]Hanusse, P., An algorithm for fast imaging of wavelet transform, 305-312 [Zbl 0850.94023] Cited in 14 ReviewsCited in 11 Documents MSC: 00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest 46-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to functional analysis 47-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to operator theory 35-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to partial differential equations Keywords:Wavelets; Phase space; Proceedings; Conference; Marseille (France) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF