
Minimal index of bicyclic biquadratic number fields. (English) Zbl 1445.11123

Let \(K\) be an algebraic number field. For any primitive algebraic integer \(\alpha\in K\) the index \(I(\alpha)\) is defined as the module index of \(\mathbb Z[\alpha]\) in the ring of integers \(\mathbb Z_K\) of \(K\).
The minimal index of \(K\) is \[m_K=\min I(\alpha), \] the minimum taken for all primitive algebraic integers \(\alpha\) in \(K\). The field index of \(K\) is \[i_K=\gcd I(\alpha)\] the gcd taken for all primitive algebraic integers \(\alpha\) in \(K\).
There are only a few results describing the behaviour of minimal indices and field indices in certain types of algebraic number fields.
The authors investigate bicyclic biquadratic number fields of type \(\mathbb Q(\sqrt{m},\sqrt{n})\), where \(m\) and \(n\) are distinct square-free integers, both different from 0 and 1. The authors prove the following statements:
(1) Let \(a\in\{1,3\}\). Then, for any positive multiple \(A\) of \(a\), there exist infinitely many totally complex bicyclic biquadratic number fields with field index \(a\) and minimal index \(A\).
(2) Let \(a\in\{2,4,6,12\}\). Then, for any positive multiple \(A\) of \(2\)a, there exist infinitely many totally complex bicyclic biquadratic number fields with field index \(a\) and minimal index \(A\).
These theorems represent significant contributions to the existing literature on this topic.


11R16 Cubic and quartic extensions
11D57 Multiplicative and norm form equations


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