Knop, Friedrich; Kraft, Hanspeter; Luna, Domingo; Vust, Thierry Local properties of algebraic group actions. (English) Zbl 0722.14032 Algebraische Transformationsgruppen und Invariantentheorie, DMV Semin. 13, 63-75 (1989). [For the entire collection see Zbl 0682.00008.] Let G be a connected linear algebraic group and X be a normal G-variety over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. The authors give a new proof of the following result of Sumihiro: Let \(Y\subset X\) be an orbit in X. There is a finite-dimensional rational representation \(G\to GL(V)\) and a G-stable open neighborhood U of Y in X which is G-equivariantly isomorphic to a G-stable locally closed subvariety of the projective space P(V). The main technical ingredients are G-linearizations of line bundles and the study of the Picard group of a linear algebraic group. Reviewer: W.Lück (Lexington) Cited in 1 ReviewCited in 53 Documents MSC: 14L30 Group actions on varieties or schemes (quotients) 20G05 Representation theory for linear algebraic groups 14C22 Picard groups Keywords:Picard group of a linear algebraic group Citations:Zbl 0682.00008 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF