
The numerical range theory and boundedness of solutions of the complementarity problem. (English) Zbl 0722.47008

Let H be a Hilbert space, let \(K\subset H\) be a closed convex cone. Let \(K^*\) be the dual of K defined by \(K^*=\{y\in H:\) \(<x,y>\geq 0\), \(\forall x\in K\}\). Let f: \(K\to H\) be a mapping, the complementary problem associated to f and K denoted by c.p.(f,K) is: find \(x_*\in K:\) \(f(x_*)\in K^*\), \(<x_*,f(x_*)>=0.\)
This problem is an interesting one and is very important from the standpoints of both practical and theoretical interest, it has physical applications.
In this article the author studied the problem in a Hilbert space and used a method based on the theory of numerical range of an operator. Using this method the author finds as a particular case the results proved in [Pordalos and Ronsen, Bounds for the solution set of linear complementarity problems, Discrete Appl. Math.]. Also the author supplied solutions to the linear and nonlinear complementary problems.
Reviewer: M.Kutkut (Jeddah)


47A12 Numerical range, numerical radius
47J25 Iterative procedures involving nonlinear operators
47L07 Convex sets and cones of operators
49J27 Existence theories for problems in abstract spaces
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