
Shimura curves. (Les courbes de Shimura.) (French) Zbl 0723.14018

This article is a nice review of recent and not quite so recent results on Shimura curves: their complex uniformization and modular interpretation, the theorem of Cherednik-Drinfeld, which says that Shimura curves are, for suitable primes \(p\), Mumford curves and describe explicitly their \(p\)-adic uniformization, and finally the theorem of Ribet, who found a surprising relation between the Jacobians of a \(p\)-adic Shimura curve and certain \(q\)-adic modular curves, for different primes \(p\) and \(q\).


14G35 Modular and Shimura varieties
14H25 Arithmetic ground fields for curves
14K15 Arithmetic ground fields for abelian varieties


[1] Drinfeld, V.G.Coverings of p-adic symmetric regions, Funct. Analysis and its appl.10 (1976) n°2, 107-115. · Zbl 0346.14010
[2] Jordan, B.W. & Livné, R.A.Local Diophantine Properties of Shimura curves. Math. Ann.270, 235-248 (198). · Zbl 0536.14018
[3] Katsura, T. & Oort, F.Families of supersingular abelian surfaces. Compositio Math.62, 107-167 (1987). · Zbl 0636.14017
[4] Ribet, K.A.On modular representations of Gal(Q/Q) arising from modular forms. (Preprint Sept. 19, 1988).
[5] Ribet, K.A.Bimodules and abelian surfaces. (Preprint, August 10, 1988, PAM-423, Berkeley). · Zbl 0742.11033
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