Stefanski, Leonard A.; Carroll, Raymond J. Deconvolution-based score tests in measurement error models. (English) Zbl 0724.62070 Ann. Stat. 19, No. 1, 249-259 (1991). Summary: Consider a generalized linear model with response Y and scalar predictor X. Instead of observing X, a surrogate \(W=X+Z\) is observed, where Z represents measurement error and is independent of X and Y. The efficient score test for the absence of association depends on \(m(w)=E(X| W=w)\) which is generally unknown. Assuming that the distribution of Z is known, asymptotically efficient tests are constructed using nonparametric estimators of m(w). Rates of convergence for the estimator of m(w) are established in the course of proving efficiency of the proposed test. Cited in 15 Documents MSC: 62J12 Generalized linear models (logistic models) 62G07 Density estimation Keywords:deconvolution; density estimation; empirical Bayes; errors-in-variables; maximum likelihood; generalized linear model; measurement error; efficient score test; absence of association; asymptotically efficient tests; Rates of convergence × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI